Проверьте себя! Правильно расставьте the other, another, other в тексте.

Сегодня разберем употребление слов the other, another, other. А потом Вы сможете закрепить пройденный материал. Готовы? :)

Поехали :)

1) Another [ə´nʌðə] – другой, ещё один. Используем в ед. числе.

I don’t like this book, give me another one. – Мне не нравится книга. Дайте другую.

2) Other – [´ʌðə] другие (любые) (для мн. числа и для неисчислимых сущ.).

He wants other bookS. – Он хочет другие книги (любые). Have you got any other problems? – Есть ещё какие-то проблемы у тебя?

С этим, надеюсь, понятно :) Идём дальше в глубину.

3) The other (book) – другой из 2-х упомянутых. The указывает, что мы теперь будем говорить об определенном объекте.

This car is new. The other one is 5 years old. – Эта машина новая, а другой (из двух) – пять лет. There are 2 colors on the Turkish flag, one is red, the other one is white. – На турецком флаге 2 флага. Один цвет красный, второй – белой.

4) The other (books) – оставшиеся, другие (определенные). Мы говорим об определенных объектах.

Where are the other books that I gave you? – Где остальные книги, которые я дала тебе (я помню о них, я их жду).

Для закрепления материала проделайте небольшое задание, ответы напишите в комментариях ниже. Через несколько дней в комментариях я опубликую правильные ответы :)

Расставьте слова the other, another, other, в предложениях ниже:

  1. Give me … sweet.
  2. Some people like summer, … people prefer winter.
  3. Where are …. books that I gave you?
  4. … information can be found on our website.

Скажите, было сложновато или легко?

Для тех, кто хочет в разы повысить уровень своего английского и сильно сэкономить на обучении, совсем скоро я проведу открытое мероприятие!

Будет очень информативно и продуктивно :) Регистрируйтесь по ссылке: http://marinarusakova.biz/webinar-free/

P.S. Правильные ответы:

  • Give me another sweet.
  • Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
  • Where are the other books that I gave you?
  • Other information can be found on our website.

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Комментариев: 88
  1. Елена

    the other

  2. Дария

    1.Give me another sweet
    2.Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    3.Where are the other books that I gave you?
    3.Other information can be found on our website.

  3. Алла

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.

  4. Марина

    Спасибо за урок. Хотелось бы знать, правильно ли я расставила слова.

  5. Светлана

    1. Give me another sweet
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. The other information can be found on our website.
    Было сложновато

  6. Наталья

    1-Another, 2- other,3- the other,4- the other

  7. Наталья

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. Other information can be found on our website.
    information — неисчислимое сущ.

  8. светлана

    Give me other sweet. Come people like samme, another people prefer winter. Where are the books that I gave you ? The other information can be found on our website.

  9. Ольга

    another, other, the other, the other

  10. Vladimir

    Расставьте слова the other, another, other, в предложениях ниже:
    1. Give me Another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, Other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are The other books that I gave you?
    4. Another information can be found on our website.

  11. Владимир

    1 another, 2 the other, 3 Other, 4 other. Я думаю должно быть так.

  12. Гурам

    1) Give me the sweet. 2) Some people like summer , other people prefr winter. 3) Where are other books that I gave you. 4) Another information can be on our website.

  13. Гурам
  14. Айнамгуль

    1) another
    2) the other
    3) the other
    4) other

  15. Света

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Another information can be found on our website.

  16. Екатерина

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. other

  17. Мадина

    Another, other, the other, , other

  18. Сергей

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.

  19. юлия

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.


  20. Вера

    Give me another sweet
    Some people like summer other people prefer winter
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website

  21. Natali

    Give me another sweet.
    Come people like summer, the other people prefer winter/
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.

  22. Светлана

    1. Give me other sweet
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. Other information can be found on our website

  23. Наталия

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. The other information can be found on our website.

    Легко, вы очень хорошо объяснили

  24. Людмила

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.


    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.
    :idea: :oops:

  26. Наталия

    Отличные статьи, спасибо

  27. Alla Semenova

    Give me another sweet. Some people like summer, other prefer winter. Where are the other books that I gave you? The other information can be found on our website.

  28. Галина

    1.Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books? that I gave You?
    4. Another information can be found on our website.

  29. Tamara

    1. Another
    2. Other
    3. The other
    4. Another

  30. olga

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. other

  31. Нина

    1. other
    3.the other

  32. Victoriya

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.

  33. Элеонора

    Give me other sweet.
    Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    Where are other books that I gave you?
    Another information can be found on our website.

  34. Дарья

    2)the other
    4)the other

  35. Зейнап

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. Other information can be found on our website.

  36. Valeriy

    1. Give me other sweet. 2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the books that I gave you? 4. Another information can be found on our website.

  37. Любовь

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, ther people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  38. Лилия

    1) another. 2) other. 3) the other. 4) the other.

  39. Лилия

    Give me another sweet. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter. Where are the other books that I gave you? Other information can be found on our website.

  40. Татьяна

    Все понятно, спасибо!

  41. Елена

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. The other information can be found our website.

  42. Валентина

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  43. Елена

    Give me other sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Another information can be found on our website

  44. Serge

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

    Легко ;-)

  45. Ольга

    1.Give me another sweet.
    2.Some people like summer. Other people prefer winter.
    3.Whwrw are the books that I gave you?
    4. Other information can be found on our website

  46. Макс

    another, the other, the other, other.

  47. Valentina

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer the other prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that i gave you.
    Other information can be found on our website.

  48. a.fetisova

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books I gave you?
    Other informationn can be found on our site.

  49. a.fetisova

    Сомневалась в четвертом предложении

  50. Elena

    1.Give me another one sweet.
    2.Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3.Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4.Other information can be found on our website.

  51. Elena
  52. Елена

    1. another; 2. other; 3. the other; 4. other ( Is it right?)

  53. Владимир

    1.Give me another sweet.
    2.Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3.Where are you the other books that I gave you?
    4.The other information can be found on our website

  54. Galina

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. The other information can be found on our website.

  55. svetlana

    ответы на задание
    3.the other
    Кажется не сложно,но сомнения есть.

  56. Валентина

    Спасибо большое за информацию и задания. Очень увлекательно и познавательно. :idea: :smile:

  57. Лилия

    :smile: Сложно немного, но правило понятно.

  58. Татьяна

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  59. Nadezhda

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. Other information can be found on our website.

  60. Елена

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. the other

  61. Анастасия

    1.another 2.other 3.the other 4.other

  62. Алена

    1. Give me another sweet
    2. Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter
    3. Where are other books that I gave you?
    4. Other information can be found on our website

  63. Olga

    Give me …another sweet.
    Some people like summer, …the other people prefer winter.
    Where are other books that I gave you?
    Another information can be found on our website.

  64. Olga

    Another, other, the other, the other(?) :oops:

  65. Катя

    3.the other

  66. tetiana

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. Another information can be found on our website.
    информация нужная! но я путалась в задании! спасибо, Марина!

  67. Надежда

    1. Another
    2. Other
    3. The other
    4. The other

    Было не сложно. Было интересно выполнить задание)

  68. Дарья

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.

  69. Елена

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website

  70. Irek

    1. Another 2. Other 3. The other 4. The other

  71. Татьяна

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Another information can be found on our website.

  72. Elena

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  73. Людмила

    Упражнение понравилось. Все понятно и интересно. Спасибо. Give me another sweet. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter. Where are other books that I gave you? The other information can be found on our website. Надеюсь вставила слова правильно?

  74. Светлана

    1. another
    2. other
    3. the other
    4. another

  75. Helen

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  76. светлана

    1. Give me another sweet.
    2. Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3. Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4. The other information can be found on our website.

  77. людмила

    give me another sweet.
    some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    where are the othe books that i gave you?
    the other information can be found on our website

  78. Светлана

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer ?other people prefer winter .
    Where are the other books that i gave you ?
    The other information can be found/

  79. janina

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer other people prefer winter.
    Where the other books that I give you.
    The other information can be found on our website. :smile:

  80. Нина

    1.Give me another sweet.
    2.Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    3.Where are the other books that I gave you?
    4.The other information can be found on our website.

  81. Алёна

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer,the other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Other information can be found on our website.

  82. Vera

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  83. Nataliia

    the other

  84. Анна

    Give me anoter sweet.
    Some people like summer, other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    The other information can be found on our website.

  85. Дана

    Give me another sweet.
    Some people like summer, the other people prefer winter.
    Where are the other books that I gave you?
    Another information can be found on our website. :smile:

  86. Наталья

    the other

  87. Азиза

    Other , other, the other, other

  88. Лина
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